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                         MCCSA’s Leadership

MCCSA is a private, non-profit, community based organization incorporated and chartered in 1967 as Lauderdale Economic Assistance Program, Inc. (LEAP). This charter was amended in 1978 to change the name of the agency to Multi-County Community Service Agency, Inc. (MCCSA) in order to extend its services beyond Lauderdale county. MCCSA’s services area currently include Clarke, Jasper, Kemper, Lauderdale, Neshoba, Newton, Scott, Smith and Wayne Counties. The agency’s administrative office is located in Meridian, Mississippi with at least one outreach center in each of the nine CSBGT/LIHEAP counties.


                     Growth and Development
MCCSA's current charter counties included Clarke, Jasper, Kemper, Lauderdale, Newton and Wayne. In 1981 under the auspices of the Mississippi Department of Human Services Community Services Division, MCCSA's base funding became Community Service Block Grant, Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program and Weatherization services to residents of Neshoba, Scott and Smith counties. MCCSA has extended its Adolescent Offender program services to Covington, Scott and Smith counties. 


                                                     Community Impact
In 2003, MCCSA operated thirteen programs in its service area, designed to assist the diverse citizenry of the community. These programs included Adolescent Offender Program (AOP), Community Food and Nutrition, Community Service Block Grant, Families First Resource Center, Federal Emergency Management Administration, Foster Grandparent, Home Buyer Education, Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program, Low Income Home Weatherization Assistance, Meals on Wheels, South Harbor Homeless Shelter, Stevenson Landmark Apartments and Strategies to Ensure Permanent Stability (STEPS). 


Contact Us 

Office: 601.483.4838

Toll Free: 1.800.898.0659


Fax: 601.482.9861


Find Us

2906 St. Paul Street 

Meridian, MS 39302

Lauderdale County 

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