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Meals on Wheels (MOW) 



Funded by the East Central Planning and Development District  and the United Way of Lauderdale County, Meals on Wheels provides daily nutritionally well balanced meals to the elderly and/or disabled homebound individuals in order to assist them in leading independent, meaningful, and dignified lives in their own homes and community. The Meals on Wheels program relies heavily on its volunteers to deliver daily hot meals to elderly and handicapped homebound individuals. 



        To qualify, applicants must: 

  • Be 60 years of age or older and/or disable     

  •  Be homebound                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

                                              Mary Brooks, Coordinator






                        *OFFERED IN LAUDERDALE COUNTY ONLY 

Contact Us 

Office: 601.483.4838

Toll Free: 1.800.898.0659


Fax: 601.482.9861


Find Us

2906 St. Paul Street 

Meridian, MS 39302

Lauderdale County 

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