Foster Grandparents Program

The Foster Grandparent Program (FGP) provides older individuals with the opportunity to give individual attention to children with special needs. This special care helps young people grow, gain confidence, and develop needed skills. In improving the lives of the children they serve, Foster Grandparent enrich their own lives, strengthen communities, and bridge proverbial "generational-gaps" by providing services that are fiscally unfeasible relative to organizational budgets. The Corporation for National and Community Service through the National Senior Corps provides funding via match funding arrangements.
Prerequisites for assistance from this program are:
Must be 55 years of age or older
No longer be in the regular work-force
Meet income eligibility levels
Be physically and mentally able to work
Serve an average of 20 hours per week
Foster Grandparent Volunteers at a National FGV Conference May 2015
Carlotta Downing, Director
2906 St. Paul St
P.O. Box 905
Meridian, MS 39302
Phone 601-482-9880 or 601-483-4838
Fax 601-482-9861